Vice Principal for Primary Grade School (Toddler, Nursery, Kinder, Grades 1, 2, & 3) - Mrs. Rizza Pauline J. Ragucos, LPT, MAEd
It envisions itself as a co-nurturer of children's inner resources and human potentials. Here are the following objectives:
1. To achieve full development of the child through variety carefully selected and meaning full experiences.
2. To mould the child with SAS core values for him to be God fearing and God believer.
3. To provide opportunities that will make a child realize his worth as God's gift to his/her family, school and community.
4. To use expertise and approaches which will help him manifest psychomotor coordination for effective performance benefiting his age.
Vice Principal for Academic Affairs (Middle Grade School - Grades 4, 5, & 6 / Junior High School - Grades 7, 8, 9, & 10) - Mr. Ryan S. Deallo, LPT, MACDDS
The Middle Grade School (MGS) shall have the following objectives:
1. To use experiential approaches which will enable the child to acknowledge God the Father as the Creator and Provider, Jesus as Brother and Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as Sanctifier with Mary as Mother and model disciple, and lay persons as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
2. To provide the basic knowledge and develop the foundational skills, attitudes and values, including their moral and spiritual dimensions essential to the child's personal development and necessary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing social milieu.
3. To provide learning experiences which will increase the child's awareness of and reponsiveness to the changes in society, and prepare him for constructive and effective involvement.
4. To promote and intensify the child's knowledge of identification with, and love for the nation and the people to which he belongs.
5. To promote work experiences that develop and enhance the child's orientation to the world of work and creativity in order to prepare him to engage in home and gainful work.
The Junior High School (JHS) Department shall have the following objectives:
1. To use experiential approaches that will allow the student to witness in his daily life his dynamic love for God, a sense of personal worth and respect for others with preferential love for the poor, that will enable him to relate harmoniously and effectively with his family, school, church and the country as a whole.
2. To enrich his life through an appreciation of the Filipino heritage and love of what is just, true and noble.
3. To foster intellectual curiosity, analytical and logical thinking and develop interests and aptitudes necessary to succeed in college and to choose a career wisely.
4. To encourage students to achieve academic excellence and acquire skills, habits and desirable values to meet the demands of the changing society.
5. To help the students in identifying his vocational interests and develop him in order to become a worthy and effective member of the home and community.
6. To discover and enhance the different aptitudes and interests of the individual student so as to equip him with skills for productive endeavors and thus, prepare him for work in the real world and for further formal studies in higher education.
7. To help the students develop physical fitness, self-discipline and self-renewal in his day to day life.
Vice Principal for Senior High School (Grades 11 & 12) - Mr. Peter T. Andres, LPT, MAEd
Senior High School (SHS) “completes” basic education by making sure that the high school graduate is equipped for work, entrepreneurship, or higher education. This is a step up from the 10-year cycle where high school graduates still need further education (and expenses) to be ready for the world.
Academic Council Members
- Mr. Ryan S. Deallo, LPT, MACDDS - Vice Principal for Academic Affairs -
- Mrs. Rizza Pauline J. Ragucos, LPT, MAEd - Vice Principal for Primary Grade School -
- Mr. Peter T. Andres, LPT, MAEd - Vice Principal for Senior High School -
- Mr. Arnold D. Mendoza, LPT - LAC for Filipino -
- Ms. Mariel Ann S. Dimayuga, LPT, MACDDS - LAC for English -
- Ms. Maria Niña Theresa R. Guevara, LPT - ILAC for TLE and ICT -
- Mr. Jan Gerrick A. Lopez, LPT - ILAC for Mathematics and STEM Robotics -
- Ms. Jasmin D. Abaño, LPT - ILAC for Araling Panlipunan
- Mr. Eldin Eroma, LPT, MAEd - LAC for Science -
- Mrs. Rachelle C. Fabaliña, LPT, MAEd - ILAC for MAPEH -
- Mr. Harold M. Eugenio, LPT - LAC for Religion -
- Mr. Ryan S. Deallo, LPT, MACDDS - LAC for Values Education and GMRC